SMOTHERED: Understanding Social Anxiety

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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Signs and Symptoms
  3. What is Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD)?
  4. Anxiety Symptoms
  5. Nature and Nurture
  6. SAD in the Family
  7. Treatment of SAD
  8. Medication
  9. Therapy and Related Techniques for SAD
  10. Environmental Factors in SAD
  11. The Family Connection
  12. Important Points About Social Anxiety Disorder
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To say that our world is overstimulating is quite an understatement. People are often judged on their achievements and capabilities more than character. It's easy to understand why so many people suffer from anxiety disorders. Social anxiety disorder (SAD) was previously known as social phobia. SAD is related to situations in which a person fears that they'll say or do something that Leads to harsh judgment, ridicule or feelings of humiliation, embarrassment, or worse.

41 Pages
2.61 MB
11 sections
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SMOTHERED: Understanding Social Anxiety

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